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Report on IIEC Spring Meet / IIEC春の例会の報告 March 19 (Sun)

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Report on IIEC Spring Meet / IIEC春の例会の報告 March 19 (Sun) Empty Report on IIEC Spring Meet / IIEC春の例会の報告 March 19 (Sun)

Post  IIEC Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:57 pm

(English message follows the Japanese message)


3月19 (日) JCCC 2階 ヒロコ バラル ルーム。1pm-4pm。

[] 例会の開始前に亡くなった坂口ロイさんの為に黙祷をしました。


* Scamのいろいろ:
(1) Computerのmonitorが真っ赤になり問い合わせ先の電話番号の表示-->インドの会社が対応、直すと言ってcredit cardから$200以上-->Credit card会社へ問い合わせたらscamと言われた-->Credit card cancel。Credit card会社はrefundしてくれた。
(2) 税務署からと偽った電話のscamが多い。iPhone prepaid cardsを購買させその番号からお金を取る。誰が取ったか分からない。
(3) 旅行中の友達・遠方の家族がemergencyとe-mail-->お金を送らせる。
(4) あなたが多額の相続をすることになった。手続き料を送らせる。例会出席者2人がタンザニア(!!)から郵便を受け取った。
* 家のsmart toilet、電球、computerなどが壊れた<--電圧が140V。原因:水道元栓に繋げてあるground wireが外れていた。
* カナダで買ったcomputerの日本語は? Windows 10に内蔵済み。Activateするだけ。
* 日本語でGoogle searchすると中国語ばかり出て来る-->入力時にひらがなを入れる。
* Anti-Virusはvirusを感知すると警告を出し、Virusを削除するか不能にしてくれる。
* 複数のe-mail accountsのiMAPとPOPの設定の話。場合によっては結構面倒。
* 受信箱のメールは3年くらいで消える。ちょっと後で調べたところ:
- Gmail: Forever in Inbox, but 30 days in Trash and Spam folders.
- Hotmail: Forever in Inbox as long as you access to it once a month (otherwise the account itself will become dormant after one month).
* Free WiFiは銀行やCredit cardを使うなど大事な事項には使わないこと。
* Amazonの最速配達の「Prime」を使ったら1年間Primeを何度も使えるAmazon会員となり$98がcredit cardに。会員にならないようclickしておくこと。
* 中国ではGoogleは使えない。
* 自分のではないcomputerを使った後は必ずlog outする事。
* TabletにGoogle mapのGTAをsaveしておいたらWiFiに繋がってなくてもGPSが位置を教えてくれた。
* 日本のある市役所はシニアに携帯を配布。安全確認の為。
* 白内障の手術のいろいろな情報交換、



IIECML members,

March 19 (Sun), Hiroko Barall Room in the 2nd floor, JCCC. 1pm-4pm.

[] At the beginning of the meeting, we had a minute of silence for Roy Sakaguchi who passed away.
[*] Subjects discussed:

We had lively discussions with a lot of laughs.

* Many types of scams:
(1) The monitor became all red and a contact tel number was displayed -->The other side was in India-->They withdrew more than $200 from credit card to fix the problem.  Credit company told her that it was a scam -->Cancelled the credit card.  She received a reimbursement from the credit card company.
(2) Telephone scams posing an agent from Canadian Revenue Agency.  Demand to buy iPhone prepaid cards and ask the card numbers.  They cash them.  No trace of who took the money.
(3) E-mail telling your friends or relatives are in trouble/sick while traveling in a foreign country and need money urgently.  Ask you to send money.
(4) You inherited money.  In order to process for transferring the money, they ask you to send money.  Two members in the meeting received a letter from Tanzania!!
* Smart toilet, light bulbs, computer etc were damaged at home.  He found that the voltage in the house was 140V.  The cause: the grounding wire to the water main was detached.
* How do I do Japanese if I buy a computer in Canada?  Windows 10 has all languages in it -->Just activate Japanese.
* Google search for Japanese information-->Pick up Chinese information.  Insert HIRAGANA in the key words.
* When Anti-Virus detect a virus, it will display a warning and then eradicates it or quarantines it.
* Set up of iMAP / POP for multiple e-mail accounts.  Depending on the situation, it may be complicated.
* E-mail in Inbox may disappear in 3 years or so.  The subsequent googling found the following:
- Gmail: Forever in Inbox, but 30 days in Trash and Spam folders.
- Hotmail: Forever in Inbox as long as you access to it once a month (otherwise the account itself will become dormant after one month).
* Do not use Free WiFi for important transactions involving banks and credit cards.
* Used Amazon's "Prime" delivery service once --> $98 charge came for an Amazon membership.  You can use Prime service unlimited times for one year.  But it is better to un-click for the membership when using "Prime" service.
* No Google in China.
* When you used a computer that is not yours, make sure you "log out" when you finish.
* Saved Google map of the GTA in a tablet --> GPS indicated my location without WiFi connection.
* Some city halls in Japan are distributing cell phones to seniors for checking their safety.
* Information exchanged on cataract surgery.

... etc., etc. It was full of laughter for 3 hours'

If you have corrections or additions, please forward them to IIECML

[] The fall meeting is planned to be on the 3rd Sunday of September.  Please wait for a confirmation.
[] If needed we will meet more often.
[] Seminar topics do not need to be related to internet or computer.

Nobby Miura 三浦信義 P.Eng., M.Eng.


Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-11-25

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