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CJS Movie Night:「クライマーズ・ハイ」と よさこい踊り

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CJS Movie Night:「クライマーズ・ハイ」と よさこい踊り Empty CJS Movie Night:「クライマーズ・ハイ」と よさこい踊り

Post  Guest Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:09 am

 日加協会が主催する月例のムービーナイト。今回お送りするのは、「クライマーズ・ハイ」。1985年、群馬県御巣鷹山に墜落し、死者520名を出した史上最悪の飛行機事故、日航機123便墜落事故を取材した新聞記者の苦悩を描いた映画です。監督は、バウンス Ko GALS、狗神、KAMIKAZE TAXIなどで知られる原田眞人。このサスペンス溢れる映画は、1980年代の新聞業界の内情を描いています。
クライマーズ・ハイ(2008年度作品) 日本語、英語字幕
日時:3月18日(金曜日) 7時スタート
場所:ナショナル・フィルム・ボード・シアター (150 John Street (at Richmond))
チケット:日加協会会員5ドル 非会員10ドル
The Canada Japan Society is proud to present the harrowing tale of newspaper reporters covering the largest, single aircraft disaster in history, the crash of JAL Flight 123 in 1985. Directed by Masato Harada (Bounce Ko Gals, Inugami, Kamikaze Taxi), this suspenseful tale brings us inside the workings of a Japanese newspaper department in the 1980s.

The film delves into the tumultuous and stressful world of Japanese reporting where politics, money and traditions often get in the way of the ethics of journalism. Harada brings his deft style to this film based on a book by the real life main character, ex-reporter Kazumasa Yuuki, then a coordinator at the North Kanto Times when JAL Flight 123 crashed into Mt. Takamagahara in Gunma Prefecture claiming 520 lives.

The film was nominated for 10 Japanese Academy Awards and features strong acting performances from Shinichi Tsutsumi, Tsutomo Yamzaki, Masato Sakai and Machiko Ono.

As a special treat we have a Yosokoi dance performance by the Buyaku Dance Troupe prior to the screening. And as always, our ever popular post party at Everest will take place after the film; it’s a great time to meet new people and practice your English or Japanese talking about the film. Please come on out for a great evening of dance, film, and fun.

The Climbers High (2008)
Japanese with English Subtitles
Friday, March 18th, 2011
National Film Board Theatre
150 John Street (at Richmond), 2nd Floor
7 P.M. Start

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Jeff Harju
Canada Japan Society
CJS Members $5, Non-Members $10


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